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Liese Prettia Bubble Hair Color #New York Ash 花王 リーゼ プリティア 泡カラー #ニューヨークアッシュ

by - 8/07/2018 08:18:00 PM

I really like ash hair color so I bought another new one, New York Ash.
Before, I had tried the British Ash and was satisfied with the result.
But too bad, since I colored my hair very light before,
I couldn't keep the British Ash for long.
Compared to British Ash, New York Ash has more green tone.
Meanwhile, the British Ash has more yellow.

The New York Ash color is mode & natural color,
a smooth / mellow ash color.
It has level 3 brightness, which is a normal light color for me.
Comparison with the other ash color:

New color variations:

From left to right : Provence Rose, British Ash, California Beige.
Irish Brown, New York Ash, French Beige.

There is no difference in applying the hair color with the old version,
so I won't make another post of it.
Meanwhile, I feel my hair is being smooth-er for a week after application.
I really love Liese now. 😊

Yep, I love the theme of being a cool lady.
That's why I also bought Coffret D'or Nudy Impression Eyes,
for the handsome & cool beauty.

See the differences with my old hair color and the new one with New York Ash below:

The color stays well even after 3 weeks applying.
It became red-ish on me though, because I had colored it
with black brown before (it's supposed to be dark brown
but I kept it opened for a few months).
Even though the color is now a bit red-yellow-ish,
I can still see a bit of ash tone in it.
I think I'll keep using ash color for a while now until I'm tired of it.
I will color it again with New York Ash
after I think the color disappeared gradually.

Outdoor day1:

Unnoticeable and only creates red tone.


 Indoor after a week:

 I think the result is better now that I've colored my hair black first.
The finish is not too light, and it creates green tone under some lighting.
Stays long than British Ash, might be because I colored it lighter before.
Whatever it is, ash will be my favorite color for a while.
 I will color it again after a few months, again with ash.

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  1. Whoa, I'm so distracted by your flawless face. Thanks for the review by the way :)
